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December 19, 2009



Wendy, I dream of smells too! Whoever decided that we don't must not be a perfume lover. :-)

It's great that you can have your scented Christmas memories in LA. How well I recall those cold New England church services!


Wendy, it is a bit surreal here in LA isn't it? I did notice in the last few days the trees finally have autumn color.
How very cool that your mum had a "Consciousness Raising Group", wow!

kathi roussel

i love the idea of a scented dream.. i'll have to go to bed tonight and try to conjure one!!

nice to read your post-- and oh-- i love the smell of chestnuts roasting--especially on a new york city sidewalk.... now there's a city with many many scents to offer!

happy holiday


Flora, how nice to see you here! Yes I thought it rather astonishing that the writer of a book on smell was so misleading, but perfume lovers are different, no?

I suppose we are lucky not to be in New England this Winter, but I miss snow more and more ; )

Have great holidays, and see you round the blogosphere!


Roxana, you nailed it, surreal it is! But do more trees turn red than they used to? Ive been happy to see them lately, and I feel its more than usual. Yeah, the 70s in NY -- have you seen the movie The Ice Storm? Its a kind of Chic WASP version of my childhood ; )


Hi Kathi, I can conjure up that roasting (burning?) chestnut smell any time, yum! Yes, the street scents are amazing in NY, perhaps more so than anywhere else Ive been -- India has its own variety, but I prefer NY ; )

Wishing you scented holiday dreams!

angie Cox

Thanks for the lovely link on Octavian's site. Happy 2010 to you.


Thanks for stopping by, Angie! Wishing you lots of new perfume in 2010!

Term Papers

Belated Merry Christmas and Happy 2010. you just make me remember my past... Thanks for sharing this nice post.

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